Monday January 20th Triangle Java Users Group Meeting
Jeanne Hiesel
2014-01-14 16:09:07 UTC
Monday January 20th Triangle Java Users Group Meeting 6:30p-9:00p (mtg in RTP)

Meetings are now in the park!
Triangle Research Foundation Conference Center
12 Davis Drive, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709
URL: http://www.rtp.org/park-life/conference-center

Monday, January 20, 2014
6:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Mobile & Push
Presented by Burr Sutter

Mobile and real-time push enabled applications are having a
fundamental impact on the way you design the next generation of your
business applications. In this session, you will see how to quickly
build an HTML5 Mobile Hybrid application leveraging jQuery Mobile,
Apache Cordova/Phonegap and a Java EE backend with push notifications
via APNS and GCM using free and open source Eclipse-based tooling and
leveraging OSS projects such as Aerogear and Vert.x for asynchronous
real-time applications. This will be a demonstration heavy session so
come prepared.

About the Speaker:
Burr Sutter is responsible for the JBoss developer's experience,
covering tools and frameworks at Red Hat. Burr has presented at
numerous developer user groups, meetups and conferences throughout the
US, Europe, China and Brazil. He is currently an Oracle Java Champion,
and was previously president of the Atlanta Java Users Group, founder
of the DevNexus conference and the Atlanta chapter of the IASA.

6:30 - 7:00 PM -- Meet, Talk, Pizza
7:00 - 7:15 -- JUG Business and Announcements
7:15 - 8:15 -- Presentation
8:15 - 8:30 -- Discussion with Presenter
8:30 -- Raffle
9:00 - Doors close
