Phillip Rhodes
2013-04-18 16:02:24 UTC
The recent announcement that TechShop RDU is closing has started a lot of
discussion about a lot of initiatives / groups / efforts in the triangle
that could all
fall under the general banner of "hacking related". There's talk about new
hackerspaces, expansion of existing hackerspaces, clubs and meetps are
looking for new homes, talking about merging, etc., tec.
The whole thing got me to pondering a central site to serve as sort of a
"meta" resource for ALL groups anywhere in the Triangle, to share
information, communicate, and coordinate.
There *was* a site at one time, but I guess the domain
owner let it expire, as it seems to just be foreign language spam now..
To, to this end, I registered the domain "" and am
offering to donate it to an effort to build this meta resource I spoke of.
I'm also willing to donate paying for a VPS at Rackspace to host
$whatever. My initial thought is to stick a Mediawiki instance up there,
but I wanted to solicit feedback from the boarder community first.
1. Does anybody think this is a good idea?
2. Or a bad idea?
3. Why?
4. Are you willing to help?
5. How?
6. When?
7. What would you want associated with the domain? Just a wiki? Mailing
list(s)? Other? NOTA? ???
Note that I am *not* proposing a new organization per-se, or anything that
is intended to compete with, or divert energy from any other group or
initiative. The idea is to foster more interaction between groups, promote
collaboration and cross-promotion, etc.
Also, please forward this to any other groups which you think might be an
appropriate audience for this.
The recent announcement that TechShop RDU is closing has started a lot of
discussion about a lot of initiatives / groups / efforts in the triangle
that could all
fall under the general banner of "hacking related". There's talk about new
hackerspaces, expansion of existing hackerspaces, clubs and meetps are
looking for new homes, talking about merging, etc., tec.
The whole thing got me to pondering a central site to serve as sort of a
"meta" resource for ALL groups anywhere in the Triangle, to share
information, communicate, and coordinate.
There *was* a site at one time, but I guess the domain
owner let it expire, as it seems to just be foreign language spam now..
To, to this end, I registered the domain "" and am
offering to donate it to an effort to build this meta resource I spoke of.
I'm also willing to donate paying for a VPS at Rackspace to host
$whatever. My initial thought is to stick a Mediawiki instance up there,
but I wanted to solicit feedback from the boarder community first.
1. Does anybody think this is a good idea?
2. Or a bad idea?
3. Why?
4. Are you willing to help?
5. How?
6. When?
7. What would you want associated with the domain? Just a wiki? Mailing
list(s)? Other? NOTA? ???
Note that I am *not* proposing a new organization per-se, or anything that
is intended to compete with, or divert energy from any other group or
initiative. The idea is to foster more interaction between groups, promote
collaboration and cross-promotion, etc.
Also, please forward this to any other groups which you think might be an
appropriate audience for this.